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Daily WellnessOct 6, 2022
If you’re concerned about the climate crisis, you’re not alone. As stewards of the Earth, nurturing the land is more than just a cause for us—it’s our reason for being. We take care of plants so they can take care of people. Combating climate change may involve changing the way we live and do business, but it doesn’t have to be complicated.
Here are 3 simple things you can do to make a difference.
Most plastic waste comes from food packaging. Try shopping more local farmers markets and see if your local grocery store has a bulk aisle. You’d be surprised what you can find there and keep in reusable jars. Forgoing the packaging could even lower your grocery bill. And you don’t have to buy fancy storage jars—washing out an empty tomato sauce or pickle jar with a good lid does the trick just fine.
Water conservation is something everyone can help with. Do the basics—like sweeping your deck and driveway instead of hosing it off, control hoses with an automatic shut-off nozzle, replace your lawn with drought tolerant native plants and only run the dishwasher when it’s completely full. Get even more water conservation tips from the The Department of Energy and Environmental Protection
If you’re already interested in health and wellness, you know there are benefits to buying USDA Organic products. Buying organic is great, but buying Regenerative Organic Certified® takes things to the next level. And, it’s a pretty exciting and empowering tool to combat climate change.
When you buy from Regenerative Organic Certified® farms, you're getting everything you care about and more. Being Regenerative Organic Certified® means we meet all of the USDA Organic standards (like being non-GMO and having no synthetic ingredients) as well as:
If we want to do something about climate change, we have to change our food and fiber systems. Industrial agriculture accounts for 25% of global carbon emissions. Regenerative Organic farming practices sequester more carbon, increase organic matter in soil, enhance biodiversity and keep toxic chemicals out of the air, water and soil.
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