Do It YourselfMar 7, 2025

Tea Tree All-Purpose Cleaner

Making your own all-purpose cleaner is a lot easier and more cost-effective than you might think! This DIY blend is also eco-friendly and will make your home smell delightfully fresh with the power of Tea Tree.


Empty 25 oz. spray bottle

1 tsp of baking soda

1/8 tsp of liquid dish soap or castile soap

1/4 tsp of Herb Pharm Tea Tree essential oil

Water for dilution


  1. Combine the baking soda, soap, and Tea Tree essential oil in a spray bottle.
  2. Slowly fill the remainder of the spray bottle with water.
  3. Give it a gentle swirl to mix.
  4. Spray and wipe surfaces like countertops, appliance exteriors, and sealed wood.