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Herbal KnowledgeSep 27, 2022
If you’re into wellness like we are, you may have heard the term nootropics coming up a lot lately. And don’t be fooled, it’s a silly word but nootropics might be one of the most exciting products you add to your daily routine. To put it simply, nootropics are considered any substance that can help the brain (whether it be for focus, concentration, memory or long-term cognition).*
Learn about 8 nootropic herbs and formulas and why you want them in your daily routine.*
The word “nootropics” was coined in 1972 by Romanian chemist Dr. Corneliu E. Giurgea. Throughout the 1960s, he and his team extensively researched the brain and neuroplasticity. His research was primarily focused on other substances and he produced the first synthetic nootropic drug. His research paved the way for folks to start researching the nootropic qualities of herbs in a professional way.
Not everything you see on the shelf that’s labeled as a nootropic is actually a nootropic. As always, we like to turn to herbs for our nootropic support and Mother Nature has provided us with quite a few exciting options.
In the list below, you’ll notice a few of the herbal nootropics we offer are also adaptogens. While herbal nootropics help support the brain specifically, adaptogens are a group of herbs that support our natural response to stress. Those are great multi-purpose herbs and formulas to have as allies!*
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