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Herbal KnowledgeJan 28, 2025
Rosemary is a real team player, pairing well with proteins like chicken, fish, tofu, and lamb, as well as Potatoes, grains, and Onions. You’ll often find it blended with Thyme, Sage, Oregano, or Parsley, although it’s also flavorful when used solo. But did you know just how versatile this herb can be? Read on for a list of five unexpected and creative ways to use Rosemary.
Commonly found in shampoo, Rosemary adds a delightful aroma and tingle. It can also be used as a rinse after conditioning your hair using leftover tea, or steep some with fresh or dried leaves and wait for it to cool slightly before using.
Rosemary stems, while not pleasant to eat, are useful and packed with flavor. Strip the leaves from the stems and use them as skewers for meat, tofu, Mushrooms, or vegetables. They’ll impart a subtle flavor to the food and allow you to use all parts of the plant!
They also add a wonderful aroma when laid whole underneath or next to your food while it cooks.
Add fresh or dried Rosemary to your bath or foot soak for an aromatherapy experience. Traditionally, Rosemary was an herb used to symbolically purify. It smells and it feels delightful, especially when you add Epsom salts.
Rosemary can be used in sweet preparations as well as savory ones. The herb is a match for stone fruits like Apricots and Plums, Apples, and more.
Add finely chopped fresh Rosemary to butter, then brown it for flavorful shortbread or sugar cookies. Or steep a few sprigs in cream for dishes like crème brûlée, rice pudding, and panna cotta.
That same Rosemary tea you used on your hair can also be a DIY toner, or you can blend freshly minced Rosemary leaves with sugar and olive oil for an at-home skin scrub.
If you find yourself with an abundant harvest from your garden, turn it into homemade herbal gifts by mixing into Epsom salts or a sugar-olive oil blend.
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